Monday, October 5, 2009

Lisa from Dandy Sugar: "Things I Love About LA"

As a regular reader of Absolutely Not Martha, I was more than thrilled when Jackie asked me if I would be interested in guest blogging. I get a kick out of reading her posts-it’s always fun to see the latest and greatest design and fashion finds. For a little creative inspiration, dreamy photos and maybe a bite of something yummy and gluten free, I eagerly await her collection of Weekly Links.

Jackie asked me to write about “Things I Love Best About Living in LA.” A very fitting and perfect topic for her since she recently made a huge move from the east coast to LA herself. I actually moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles about six months ago, so I’m a newbie to this huge melting pot of a city as well. There is so much to see and do in LA, it’s difficult to narrow down just a few favorites. So, here is just a very small slice of my life and experience here thus far.


The sun and warmth.
Living close to Venice Beach.
Palm tree-lined streets.
The gorgeous Getty Villa, Museum and Gardens.

The Sensitive Baker – A delicious gluten free bakery in downtown Culver City.

A BIG thank you to Lisa (Dandy Sugar) for a fabulous post!

(All photos by Lisa except for Palm Trees which is via Flickr.)


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Wish I was there!

lisa said...

Thanks for the invitation Jackie. Hope your transition is going smoothly!

Cathi said...

lovely post..I live in LA also and there are so many fabulous things to do! Don't forget to walk the Venice Canals or go to Lake Shrine, they're gorgeous too!

Gift registry said...

Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing these and thanks for guest blogging here.

Digital camcorders said...

Amazing places, I love the Venice beach. I wish I can go there. Hopefully soon!